How do I activate Office over the phone?

If you are a fan of using licensed programs, then most likely, sooner or later, you will face the fact that you will have to activate Office yourself and here, in seemingly one of the simplest actions, you may have problems… To make such difficulties as small as possible, we offer everyone to read the article that will describe the most practical way to activate the Office program with numerous explanations of certain actions.

Let's start with the fact that at the initial stage, you must decide on your own how to edit office software, since its functionality will depend on it. Be careful, because today office SOFTWARE has several dozen completely different editions and each of them has its own unique characteristics:

Let's assume that you have decided on the version of the program and made a purchase of the selected license key. The next step is to download the licensed distribution from our site and install it. And only now, you can proceed to activate the license.

How do I activate Office over the phone?

Please note that during installation, the software may ask you to activate it via the Internet, but it often happens that such activation does not take place and the user sees an error message, as in the screenshot below.

I would like to note that the appearance of this message is not a big problem, because often "activation via the Internet" fails due to the fact that this is an outdated method of software activation. Therefore, you need to install Office without activation "over the Internet" and only after the full installation of the program, you will be able to use the optimal method of activation by means of a mobile phone. In this case, you will need to run one of its applications after installing Office, most often Word or Exel. You can do this by hovering the mouse cursor over an empty area of the "Desktop" → right-clicking → going to the context menu and selecting the appropriate application to launch.

As soon as the application is launched, you will immediately see a window offering to activate the SOFTWARE and, therefore, you must use this offer by entering the key you purchased in the empty area with the name "Enter the Office product key" → click on the "Activate Office"button.

In the window that opens again, you will be asked to choose one of the two options for activating the program, and since the first one is outdated and not quite stable, it is best to use the second one and as a result, mark the item "Activate this software by phone" → click on the "Next"button.

In the "Microsoft Office activation Wizard" window, you need to perform several actions in turn: Select the country where you are currently located → if you are from Russia, call the toll-free number 8-800-200-8002 → click "1" on your mobile phone, thereby confirming the recording of your conversation → click "3" to activate your existing key → click "1" again to interact with the activation Bot → enter the numbers that appear in the window on the screenshot from the second step.

Please note that entering the activation key for each user is an individual process and for this reason, the numbers for all users are different, and, therefore, you will not be able to use the same combination several times in a row or on different devices.

You almost managed to activate Office over the phone, but you only have to answer the Bot's question… As soon as you are asked: "How many devices have the key already been activated on?» You will have to clearly answer "Zero".

Now, it only remains to enter the letters from A to H, which the Bot will dictate to you, in the field with step three, which will actually complete the activation of the Office program.

We hope that it will no longer be a big problem for you to activate the key purchased from us, because in fact, if you follow the instructions described above, this process is not complicated and can be handled by any user of a computer or other gadget. So the question is: "How do I activate a licensed Office? " Can be considered completely closed.

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